About iTunes Multi-Plugin by loc[a]lhost Appearance Options --------------------- Skins: You may choose a skin from the list or choose the default skin. You may also change the color of your skin using the Colorize button. If you want to refresh the current skin, you may press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S in iTunes. Credits to the following skinners for making the included skins: ffpsx - VistaXP gtn - Big Red Machine, Bister, Longhorn Alternative, Longhorn Alternative Dark kavin - Milk ToNeR - InspiratSE, LiTunes II, Royal Inspirat SE Blue, WMP 11 Willy - AlBook, V O I D, RulerAGV2 XMAN - Alluvium Magnite, Siro yangbao_111 - White Alluvium Magnite Hide the menu: To resemble the look of iTunes in Mac OSX, you may hide the menu. To use it again, you can press Alt+F in iTunes, or just click it's previous location. Also, if you use Stardock ObjectBar, you can use the iTunes menu from there. Change main iTunes font or title font: You may enter a font name in the edit box, and it will change the font according to it. The title font can only be changed if a skin other than "Default" is selected. Don't show main window in the taskbar and the Alt+Tab window: Using this option will hide the main window from the Alt+Tab window. You can choose to hide it always or only when in Mini Player. Change main window opacity: Using this option you can make the main window semi-transparent. Use the slider to set the opacity level you want. You can choose to change the opacity always or only when in Mini Player. Note: Selecting this option will make the main window draw faster, even if the slider is set to 100%. Current Track Options --------------------- Change the main window title according to the playing track: You may change the title of the iTunes main window while a track is being played. Formatting tags (listed below) are supported. Copy track information to the clipboard when a track starts playing: If you check this option, track information, in the format you specify using formatting tags, will be copied to the clipboard when a track starts playing. Create a file with information about the current track: Using this option will create a file named CurrentTrack.txt in your iTunes installation folder when a track starts playing. The meaning of each line in the file is the following: Playing/Stopped, Artist, Song Name, Album, Composer, Genre, Grouping, Duration, Track Count, Track Number, Disc Count, Disc Number, Play Count, Rating, Year. Export artwork from the current track to a file: Using this option will create a file named CurrentArtwork.jpg in your iTunes installation folder when a track starts playing. This file will contain the artwork of the currently playing track. Note: The file is called CurrentArtwork.jpg, but it's not necessarily a JPEG file. Most programs recognize the image type by it's content, so that should not lead to any problems and it will remove the need for detecting the extension of the file. Formatting Tags: You may use the following formatting tags for the main window title and for copying track information to the clipboard: %Playlist - The playlist that the track is in %Album %Artist %Name %Genre %Grouping %Composer %DiscCount %DiscNumber %Position - The player's position within the currently playing track (valid only for the main window title) %Duration %TimeLeft - The time left for the track to play (valid only for the main window title) %PlayCount %Rating %TrackCount %TrackNumber %Year %BitRate %SampleRate %Kind - The file type of the track. Compatibility Options --------------------- Allow WindowFX to add a shadow to iTunes: Usually, Stardock WindowFX does not add a shadow to iTunes. Using this option changes this. Make programs recognize iTunes as Winamp: Many programs can get the current track name and artist from Winamp only. Using this feature, iTunes will be recognized as Winamp by most of those programs. Fix media keys functionality: Many keyboards have player control keys which don't work well with iTunes. This option may fix the problem. If one mode doesn't work, try choosing another one. Different keyboards react differently to the modes. iPod Hebrew Support: You may use this option if you want your iPod to display hebrew. In order to enable it, download the latest iPod Updater from http://www.apple.com/ipod/download/, run the Hebrew iPod Updater which can be downloaded using the provided button, and enable the option for iPod Hebrew support. This Hebrew support solution uses the official iPod Hebrew firmware, so it should not void your iPod's warranty. Other Options --------------------- Don't create Unknown Album folders: If you consolidate your library and let iTunes organize your music folder, iTunes will make a folder named "Unknown Album" in the Artist folder for tracks that have no Album tag. Using this option prevent's iTunes from creating those folders and makes it place such files directly in the Artist folder. Suppress the scripting warning message: If you have used scripts that interact with iTunes, you may have noticed the warning message that appears when you try to close iTunes and there is a script still running. Using this option will make that message not to appear. Note: If you use this option, do not close iTunes when a script is changing track information or does any other writing operations. Doing so will probably result in corrupt files in your iTunes Library. Change the full screen visual effects resolution: By default, iTunes lowers the resolution in full screen visual effects for better performance. You may change this behavior using this option. Enable memory saving when minimized to tray: If you enable this option, along with the "Minimize iTunes window to system tray" feature found in the Advanced tab of the Preferences dialog, the amount of memory iTunes is using will drop significantly when you minimize iTunes. Foobar2000 passthrough: Using this option will make iTunes play sound through the Foobar2000 engine. You must have Foobar2000 0.8.3 or later for it to work. This feature improves the sound quality, but it has several limitations: 1. Foobar2000 will not run simultaneously with iTunes when this option is enabled. 2. All the iTunes sound processing features will do nothing as long as this option is enabled. 3. After checking this option for the first time, you might hear an echo when listening to music. Restart iTunes to fix it. You may include |No Foobar2000| in the Comments tag of a track to force it to play using the default engine. This way it's possible to play tracks from the Music Store while Foobar2000 passthrough is enabled. Don't stop playing when iTunes is being closed: By default, closing iTunes stops the current track from playing. With Foobar2000 passthrough enabled, you may change this behavior. Note that only one track will continue playing - not the whole playlist. EvilLyrics Integration: If you have EvilLyrics installed, you will have a "Find Lyrics" option when you right click a track. Silent installation switches: you can use the following switches on the Multi-Plugin installer to install silently: /silent - silent installation /silent /web - silent installation which checks for the latest version and downloads it if necessary. /silent /u - silent uninstall For skin developers: You may dump the iTunes resources for creating a skin based on them by clicking the button in the "Other" tab. Thill will create a Developer Template folder inside your Skins folder. Inside that folder there is a folder named after your version of iTunes, and inside it there is an Extended folder, in which there are all the images iTunes uses. Part of those images should be deleted. The first iTunes_xxx.bmp file that should be in use is the 39x39 sized burn icon. Delete all the iTunes_xxx.bmp files before it. Usually they appear as black rectangles. The last image that should be in use is the background of the Equalizer window, sized 14x255. Delete all the iTunes_xxx.bmp files after it. All the files between those two may be edited. All the QT_xxx.bmp and QT_xxx_Mask.bmp files may be edited, except those that contain samples of iTunes windows, and anything after them. Those are temporary files and should be deleted. If you don't want to edit any an image in that folder, delete it. Only keep images that you want to be changed in the Extended folder of your skin. You should change the name of the Developer Template folder, as the files there will be overwritten if you do a resource dump again. You can change font colors by editing SkinData.ini. To see which font corresponds to which number, turn on the developer mode in that file. Note that not any font has a shadow or an inactive state. You may package a skin compatible with different versions of iTunes by adding folders with different version numbers to your skin's folder. You can change any of the numbers in the version string to 'x', and Multi-Plugin will not check those numbers. For example, if you name the folder "6.0.3.x", it means that the version of the skin in that folder is compatible with any iTunes 6.0.3 version. If you name your folder "6.x.x.x", it means that the version of the skin in that folder is compatible with any version of iTunes 6. Do not change the number of digits in the version string. A version string like "6.xxx.x.xx" is not allowed. You may also include a different version of your skin for right side buttons and for the Equalizer / Mini Equalizer windows. The WMP 11 skin is a good example about using this feature. SkinData.ini also includes an option to exclude certain elements from colorization. Just write the bitmap names in the NoColorize field (without the .bmp extension) and they won't be colorized. Note that native iTunes bitmaps can only colorized if they are included in the Extended folder. Related Links: EvilLyrics - http://www.evillabs.sk Stardock - http://www.stardock.com If you have liked this program, you may donate money to it's author by clicking the Donate button in the preferences dialog, or by navigating to the link below: https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=localhost_127%40hotmail.com&item_name=iTunes+Multi-Plugin&item_number=1&no_shipping=0&no_note=1&tax=0¤cy_code=USD